Saturday, July 6, 2013

What Bianca did not know about Fairy Tales and her family.

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Fairytales aren’t real yeah that’s exactly what Bianca thought. She was wrong. For generations, the Frost family has run the Museum of Magical and Rare Artifacts, handing down custody from mother to daughter, always keeping their secrets to “family only.”

Gathered within museum’s walls is a collection dedicated to the Grimm fairy tales and to the rare items the family has acquired: Cinderella’s glass slipper, Snow White’s poisoned apple, the evil queen’s magic mirror, Sleeping Beauty’s enchanted spinning wheel.

Seventeen-year-old Bianca Frost wants none of it, dreaming instead of a career in art or photography or well, anything except working in the family’s museum. She knows the items in the glass display cases are fakes because, of course, magic doesn’t really exist. She’s about to find out how mistaken she is.

Bianca always wondered why her mother never allow
ed anyone but family to run the fairy tale museum and it been just the two of them for years since her father David disappeared ten years ago. Bianca believes that magic and the fairytale items in the museum are not real. Bianca soon finds out the secret her mother Rose has been hiding from her daughter.  Bianca came home from her friend Ming's house and found her mother in a magical fight with their long time enemy Lenore Bianca could not believe what she was seeing. After the witch left Rose had to finally tell her daughter their secret. Lenore was there to get the magic spell book back that once belonged to Queen Mirabel.

Rose told Bianca that they are witches and that they are decedents of Snow White and the story is true and most of the other Brother Grimm stories are true too. Rose also told her that Lenore is the reason why her father is gone she turned him into a Bear. Rose began to teach Bianca how to use magic and be able to defend herself. The next day Rose showed Bianca some of the items in the museum that are real like the magic Mirror, Rapunzel hair, Little Red Riding Hood's cloak, and a brick from the Three Little Pigs. 

Rose also explained her mother Alice killed Lenore's mother Gertrude but before she died she cursed Alice with a death spell. Rose showed Bianca a book of their family history starting with Snow White and told her she lived in a place called Everafter. Rose also said everyone in the family kept a personal journal. So over the next few weeks Rose told Bianca all about magic and their family. 

One night a brick came through their window and they knew Lenore was back. They tried to fight the witch off but it was a futile effort. Lenore first tried to bargain with Rose saying she give her husband back for the book but Rose would not concede. Lenore ended up removing Rose's voice and sending her through a portal and told Bianca after she tried to fight Lenore to find the book and give it back to her in exchange for her mother. 

After the witch left with her mother Bianca talked to her friend Ming and at first did not want to tell her the truth but she needed someone to confided in and told her best-friend the whole story. They went to the museum and told the guest Rose would not be there cause her grandmother was sick. Bianca and Ming began to look for the book when they got to the basement Bianca found a letter from her mom behind a brick and a clue to where the book was hid. 

They went to the wicked wing and the Magic Mirror answered their questions about where the book and her mom were. They found the book behind the portrait of Snow White and learned that there is a spell in the book to take them to where Rose is in Everafter. 

The next day Bianca and Ming pack for the trip and Bianca takes all the magically items her mom showed her along with water food and extra clothes. Bianca recited the spell and a door appeared they entered it and landed up on a forest in Everafter. They walked in the forest for many hours without seeing or hearing anything or anybody. 

Then something was following them and a man on a white horse showed up and saved them from the foul beast a deer. The man's name is Prince Ferdinand and soon to be King and his servant Terrance. Bianca immediately liked Terrance and thought there was something different about him. The girls told the men that they had come on a quest in search of her mother who was taken by an evil witch. 

After eating the deer they got on the horses and headed for the prince's cottage. Bianca read more in the spell book and found on to bring the dead back to life and she knew now why Lenore wanted the book. Lenore tortured Rose and talked to Mirabel through a magic mirror. 

While Bianca was reading the book an evil green spark shot out and hit her palm leaving an apple shaped bruise. She went outside for a bit and heard a growl and soon was in front of a big black bear and she soon found out it was her father and he had sniffed her out. So they all started their journey to find Rose she put on the cape of Red Riding Hood and ask it to show her the path to her mom and it showed her blue footprints to follow. 

Mirabel attacked Bianca in her sleep and Terrance had to stop her from chocking herself. After several days of traveling someone or something was after them and they found out it was the Big Bad Wolf and she got the brick out of her bag set it down said the spell and the house appeared they all got inside to hide from the wolf. That when they found out Terrence is the Big Bad's grandson his dad was a wolf and his mom a human so he went out to talk to Big Bianca did not want him to go and risk his life but he had to.

Terrance found out the witch sent the wolf to kill them he said he spare his life since he was family but that was not good enough for Terrance and finally Big agrees to give them four days to reach the castle or he would kill them all.   
Bianca turned the house back into a brick and they continued on their quest. Bianca decided to practice some of her magic and she wanted to try the hand mirror to see if it worked like the big one. What she got was amazing she saw into the witches's room and then after she went to sleep she was trapped again but somehow escaped. 

They started walking again and soon came upon a large castle they wanted to avoid it since no one knew who lived there but the Prince had other plans he wanted to check it out. Then an old woman opened the door and told them to come in that she was expecting them and she knew the bear was Bianca's father. The old woman said she had no name and needed to teach Bianca some magic tricks to enable that she won the fight against the witch. The old woman also gave Bianca the knowledge about certain herbs that can be used to make spells. 

After three days of training with the old woman it was time for the group to go back to finding the witches's castle. They soon were in front of a mountain they climbed up the side and then they came across a canyon this is where Bianca took out the hair and said the spell and it grew longer enough for them to climb down it. Terrance and Bianca have been talking to each other a lot during the trip and the are starting to develop feelings for each other. They were resting again in the brick house when Bianca woke up in a garden and no one else is around. She calls out and Ming answers her call but then Ming falls asleep like Sleeping Beauty and needs a prince to kiss her to wake up.

Vines come after Bianca but the prince comes and uses his sword to destroy them. She ask him to wake up Ming the kiss worked. Now they need to find Terrance when they do he is unconscious and covered in black vines. She ask the prince for a knife she used it to get the vines off him and she needed to kiss Terrance to wake him up. Once everyone was up they all woke up in the brick house. Bianca looked in the spell book to find a way to get the vines off and Ming got upset and said she wanted to go home. 

So after ming cried on the Prince's Shoulder Bianca said the spell to sent her home. She buried the book in the ground. They started walking again and finally came up onto Lenore's castle. A fog came up around them and Lenore and Bianca started fighting the witch asked where the book was Bianca said it was safe. She had to fight a huge earth monster that Lenore made. Bianca used her water spell to attack the monster. Bianca woke up and she was in a dungeon Lenore came in and they talked. Then Bianca was in a dream of an apple orchard and met Snow White and they talked and  Snow told Bianca that she could defeat the Witch herself she has the power and strength to do that. 

She was able to get herself out of the room she was in and went to search for her mom she came to a door and heard someone inside it was not her mother but turned out to be a wolf named Luna who happened to be the Big Bad Wolf's mate. They soon found where Rose was and they freed her. She called to Snow to help her heal some of her mom's wounds it worked. When they were trying to leave Lenore showed up they fought her with everything they had. Soon Bianca came up with a plan to use mirrors and she was able to trap Lenore inside one. 

Then the found Terrance and the Prince and then the Queen showed up angry she used ribbons on Rose to chock her and then Snow came and started fighting with Mirabel. They ran outside and looked at their injuries confused how a ghost could cause so much damage. Rose set the Castle on fire and Bianca looked around and ask where her father was he showed up and licked Rose. Luna left and said if Bianca needed anything just to call for her she greeter her grandson and said she missed his father William. After the fighting was over and Snow White ghost left Bianca took the spell book and set it on fire. 

They traveled back to get Rapunzel's hair Terrance's Grandfather showed up to thank them for saving his mate and if they needed anything to call for him. Bianca old her mother the story of their journey and later that night the Prince told Terrance to kiss Bianca all ready they walked away from the house to have some privacy and kissed. He did not want her to leave him because he has fallen in love with her but she can not stay in his world and he cannot live in hers. Rose ask Bianca about Terrance and she told her and when they finally got to the hair her mom informed her she could of gotten the hair down with the right spell and they could of avoided the trek back to it. 

Soon it was time for them to go back home but Bianca was hesitant she would miss Terrance she thank them for helping her find her mom. The spell was said and the door appeared once her father enter it he started to turn back into a man. The family embraced each other. Bianca called Ming and they chatted and told her all that happened after she left. They soon reopened the museum and David had to get back in the swing of things and went to go look over the accounts. Then something strange happened a reported showed up asking for David wanting to do an interview on him since he has returned after being gone for ten years. 

Several weeks went by and David was trying to get use to not being a bear anymore. Bianca was eating lunch outside an a door opened up and Terrance walked out she was surprised but happy to see him she missed him a lot. She thought about all the possibilities should she go with him or stay and she went.

I hope the author of this wonderful fairytale book decides to write a sequel to see what happens with Bianca and Terrance after she goes back to Everafter with him.

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