5 Elements of fairytales are 1. Usually uses the words Once Upon a time and Happily Ever After. 2. Magic is involved 3. Setting is usually in a far-off time and place. 4. Evil Royalty vs someone good. 5. There some kind of problem to solve I am going to lump in supernatural type books into this category since can't find too many true fairy tale books.
name of blogsite
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Ever's fight against two mermaid factions
Sorry all it been too long since my last post. I just got complacent and not in the mood to write anymore but that gonna change I play to try and write on one of my blogs at least twice a week like I had original planned.
Ever Harding, an average teenager with a passion for swimming is about to turn eighteen. Out of the blue her boyfriend has dumped her, which is the ultimate of tragedies in her life. Little does she know that on her eighteenth birthday, she will have to make a choice that will change her life, as she knows it forever.
A month before her birthday, Ever meets Jack, a mysterious new boy with compelling eyes. This meeting sets things into a whirlwind she never would have dreamed. With Jack's guidance she discovers a family line that leads her to the sea. She must make the crucial choice, stay on land where life as she knows it, won't change, or go and live in the sea as a mermaid with Jack.
Ultimately her choice sets into motion an even bigger decision, has the fate of a race of people, in her hands. The merfolks are in a feud and she will tip the balance. She must battle the moral dilemma of prejudice and race. Once she comes to terms with her life changing choices, she must ask herself, did I make the right decisions? Is Jack really who I think he is?
A month before her birthday, Ever meets Jack, a mysterious new boy with compelling eyes. This meeting sets things into a whirlwind she never would have dreamed. With Jack's guidance she discovers a family line that leads her to the sea. She must make the crucial choice, stay on land where life as she knows it, won't change, or go and live in the sea as a mermaid with Jack.
Ultimately her choice sets into motion an even bigger decision, has the fate of a race of people, in her hands. The merfolks are in a feud and she will tip the balance. She must battle the moral dilemma of prejudice and race. Once she comes to terms with her life changing choices, she must ask herself, did I make the right decisions? Is Jack really who I think he is?
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Paranormal Romance fairies, vampires, werewolves, and elves Oh my.
Hi sorry it been awhile I could not decide what book to write about next and if it which ones would really be considered fairytales.
Warning *Mature New Adult Paranormal Romance novel - contains adult situations, high sexuality, violence, suited for ages 17 and up*
Julia Taylor works as a
recruitment consultant for Paranormal Personnel in London. Her days at work
seem normal. She sees clients that regularly are looking for work; she searches
for new vacancies, updates CVs and visits employers. Everything is ordinary for
her, apart from the fact that Julia is half elf and PP is not an ordinary
recruitment agency because all jobless supernatural creatures come to the
agency to look for work. Fairies, vampires, witches, hags, wizards, mermaids,
elves, giants and trolls, they all need to find employment.
Julia doesn’t want her life
to be complex, but when her day is interrupted by the shape-shifter with the
chain saw, she just has to deal with him as she always does. She is normally
calm, confident and is not afraid to stand up for herself, but when the meeting
with Nathaniel’s Corporation goes not as well as she had hoped, she wants to
bury herself under the ground and die. Then, to make matters worse, Mr. La Caz
gets under her skin, lighting up a fire inside her. She accidentally reads his
thoughts and learns that he craves her; he wants to suck her dry, but she is
convinced that he is not even a vampire.
Saturday, July 6, 2013
What Bianca did not know about Fairy Tales and her family.
Hi I hope you like this review. Please feel free to leave any kind of comment about this blog.
Fairytales aren’t real yeah that’s exactly what Bianca thought. She was wrong. For generations, the Frost family has run the Museum of Magical and Rare Artifacts, handing down custody from mother to daughter, always keeping their secrets to “family only.”
Gathered within museum’s walls is a collection dedicated to the Grimm fairy tales and to the rare items the family has acquired: Cinderella’s glass slipper, Snow White’s poisoned apple, the evil queen’s magic mirror, Sleeping Beauty’s enchanted spinning wheel.
Seventeen-year-old Bianca Frost wants none of it, dreaming instead of a career in art or photography or well, anything except working in the family’s museum. She knows the items in the glass display cases are fakes because, of course, magic doesn’t really exist. She’s about to find out how mistaken she is.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
How her Life will change drastically
Sorry it been awhile since I posted last on this blog I've haven't been reading many books that fit into this category lately. Also please click on the ads on the sidebars so I can start to collect some money from this blog and please leave any kind of comments.
Morgan James is visiting
sunny Florida for two weeks before the school year begins. Right from the
start, she realizes there's something bizarrely odd about the luxurious world
in which her mother and her new husband live and suddenly she is swept into another
world a world she could never have dreamed of. Follow Morgan's unbelievable
journey in this magical tale of people who are something other than what they
seem or, are they really people at all?
This story is about a girl who finds out that her family are mermaids and the dad she knew all these years who recently died is not her biological father. Right before her 18th birthday she goes through the change of turning into a mermaid for the first time. She is scared and but confused at learning all things things that she never knew existed. She is in awe in how big and fancy the house is and wonders how rich is her mom and new step-dad. Which in reality she will find out later is really her biologically dad.
Tammer her dad says he is a treasure hunter. Morgan finds out at breakfast her parents don't eat normal food like her later she finds they eat just seaweed and kelp. She also learns they have a daughter Naira who is one. Morgan is confused about this since the couple just got married but she finds out that they have known each other a lot longer than that. Naira seems to be a bit old for her age talking in complete sentences and things and Morgan thinks it strange but says nothing she gets overwhelmed by this news.
Tammer shows her around the house and then shows her the horses and then her mom shows her Naira's room which has a huge fish tank in it. Morgan keeps asking knowing they are still keeping some other kind of news a secret. Her mom took Morgan to town and they went to a jewelry shop and she saw a blue Topaz and the shopkeeper tried to give it to Morgan but her mom insisted on paying for it and it cost her a lot of money and Morgan was shocked saying she did not want it that bad since it cost so much.
Elan told her that the shopkeeper never gives away anything for free if you take something that means you will owe her something. She tells her daughter that she will soon go through a change different than humans and ask if Morgan's legs have started hurting she says no and is confused are they not human? They get home and her mom is a wrecked and Morgan finds out that her Father Richard has died of a heartache. Tammer told her about his father getting murdered when he was 18 and showed her his scar.
He let the cat out of the bag so to speak because he said her mom saved him. She ask "What's with all this secrecy?" She was going back toward her room and her legs started hurting and collapsed into the pool. She blacked out and had a dream of a man she saw in her dreams before and she felt like she was in love. She saw he had a blue tail. He said her name and she said his name Thayde. He left her saying they would be together again soon. Her mom tells Morgan she has the ability to heal and that they are merpeople. Elan said she was going through phasing but Morgan thought she her mom was crazy and the pain in her legs was awful.
Her mother prove to what she was saying was true my changing and having her fin show. She was told about how hey can choose when and when not to have a tail but they lose their clothes when the change happens. She left and walked toward town and met another girl named Tiesa. Then the mean kids came by and Morgan found out she be going to school with all of them. They had Richard funeral Morgan was sad but Naira came into her room put her hands on Morgan's face and took away some of her sadness. Morgan had a dream again with Thayde in it and she has a golden tail.
She went to the pool to try out breathing underwater her mom joined her and show her how to phase into her mermaid form. For now her mom pretends Morgan is a halflings since she does not yet know Tammer is her real father. They go out to dinner and Morgan finds out they eat just seaweed and she thought it was gross. When she came out of the restroom Akin was there and he was mean since his family were purebloods and hated halflings. He shoved her to the wall and choked her and said what did "he" see in her.
She started to blackout seeing a golden orb and was thrown into the water and she phased and she freaked since she just noticed she had long hair now. She released something called The Fire. She was told about all the different powers mermaids can have and how most halflings don't not get powers. Elan told her how she met Tammer and how she met Richard. They then took her out to the ocean she soon got tired and went to rest on an island. Trouble soon found her Akin popped up and wondered why she had a gold tail he attacked her and tore off her bikini top and then a light hit him and he was thrown off her. Thayde came to her rescue and hugged her.
When they got home Tammer was not happy Morgan found out Thayde was related to the Darthmoth's by marriage and that he had been dreaming of her for years and is suppose to protect her. He told her they have been meant for each since birth and soon they will start cording and be able to read each other's mind and sometimes feel their pain. Thayde was going to get punished for hurting Akin but he would not get get hurt as bad because she they thought she was not a full mermaid. She found out where they lived and went over there she watched as they tortured Thayde with their powers. She stepped in and said stop and was mad that he was getting punished for saving her and Akin did not get any kind of punishment for what he did. She got mad and tried to unleash her fire and Limus and his family was in shocked she wanted to hurt him but Tammer told her to help Thayde.
They took him home and tended to his wounds. Morgan had to go to school while he laid at her house beating and broken and in a coma. She tried to heal him herself and it helped because he woke up. After he fell back asleep she went to talk to Geiruna the shopkeeper and ask her how to stop the feud. She told morgan many things and that she was very powerful and could do anything she set her mind to. Over the next weeks Thayde was getting better and she spend her time at school then coming home to be with him. Tammer was not happen about them together but he couldn't do anything about it. Her mom told her Thayde would have to leave soon to go back to college and she was upset she did not want to lose him.
She ran to his room but he was asleep once he woke up they talked and he said he did not want to leave her and if they were away from each other too long they would get sick. He shocked her by saying I love you but she was not ready to say it back and then he asked her out on their first date. During the date he told her about his family and his powers. Later he tells her he thinks she is The Link. They kissed and he took her home.
The next day she got the news of history repeating itself which means sometime in the near future Tammer would die trying to save Thayde. Thayde took her underwater to their city called Neridia. He took her to his place and gave her a gift he made.
The days flew by and soon it was almost her birthday. One Friday Akin threaten Morgan again and she made threats back. She left school and wanted to find Thayde but she did not know how to get to the city. She started swimming and got way off course and ended up in Jamaica another merman found her who said his name was Sam. They talked and she told him about all the problems she been having and about the war brewing. They talked about Troen the so called ruler of merpeople not helping or doing his job. Little did she know and later finds out he is actual the Troen.
When they got to Jamaica she called home to let her family know what happened to her. Her mom told her she needed to get home fast the war between their families has started. Just then Thayde shows up and tells her the whole story. They leave to go back home when they arrive they talk to Elan. Then Thayde tells her the truth of about her real father and her mom was never married to Richard. Thayde and Elan left to go try to stop the war they told Morgan to stay and watch Naira she did not like it but she agreed.
But after an hour she got worried and left to go find her family. She got in the middle of the fight and helped it was brutal Tammer sacrificed himself to save Thayde. Then Sam showed up and healed Tammer. He spoke to everyone one saying they have been acting like kids and Morgan is the link and told her who he really is and gave her the blessing. They swam home fast and Geiruna was there and had healed her parents then she left.
In the Epilogue Thayde ask Morgan to marry him and she of course said yes and put the ring on her finger and said Happy Birthday even though it was over a week ago and it was Christmas Eve. They told everyone at the party they were engaged they were all happy for the couple. Her parents gave her a car and not just any a Cobra Venom to rival Thadye's Ferrari and they took it for a drive.
This was a great book I love reading about mermaids hopefully I'll get to read the next book in this series.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Be careful to find the answers you seek because you might not like what you find
I hope you enjoy this blog post and of course there are spoilers for people who have not read the book. I hope to review the next books in this series when I can get them.
Her plan is bold as well as brave become this princess, wed the king, and slip on an ancient wedding ring that will unlock the portal back home. Then find her sister and run as fast as she can out of Dodge. But taking on the identity of Princess Gloria comes along with perilous consequences; and putting on the ruby ring comes with an even higher price.
This was a good book I did not know by the description though it would have anything to do with trying to find Bigfoot which of course I don't believe in. It is interesting to think though of the possibility of them coming from another dimension through a portal since no one can find hard evidence of their existence. Sarah is in the woods trying to find evidence that Bigfoot exist in these same woods her sister Liz disappeared 10 years ago. Sarah and her research crew hear noise which lead them to a cave. An unsuspected guess shows up a reporter named Frank who likes Sarah and has made it his life mission to refute all her claims about the beast. The Sasquatches out to be Guardians of this portal that they go through where her sister disappeared.
Frank and Sarah have a love hate relationship and she is upset when he walks into her camp where she monitoring signs of any Bigfoot activity. After a sighting Frank and Sarah go into the cave together after they see the monster but something strange happens they are transported to another place and time. They are in a land called Tastian. Sarah is hiding in the woods when an Immortal King Victor Fesque II confuses her for a runaway princess named Gloria he captures and takes her to his dungeon. He thinks she crazy and lost her mind because she keeps talking about things from our world he knows nothing about and she confused about his attire and appearance. He gives her a choice either marry him or faced death. Try as hard as she may to convince him she not this Gloria girl he refuses to believe her saying she just playing stupid.
Frank some how manages to get a suit of armor entering the dungeon to come save Sarah but when he finds out the King wants to marry her he changes his mind, because they need the royal ring he will give her to reopen the portal to go back home. Little do they know the powers and repercussions of her putting the ring on her finger. Frank leaves her to marry the king.
Before the ceremony Victor tries to tell Sarah about the consequences of the ring that it binds them together and they will be able to commute with her telepathically and they can feel each other's pain. Also as an immortal comes so pretty cool powers such as the use of fireballs. The priest married them and Sarah wants to get away as fast a possible but Victor wants to do other things they share several searing kisses. Eventually after the reception Sarah gets taken to a room to change her dress and the servant girl Mia.
Frank sent her to help Sarah escape the plan is to switch close and pretend that the queen got attacked so Sarah can leave the room and exit this castle the plan goes well and she meets up with another person Jules who is the lover of Mia he takes her to where Frank is. Frank tells her his story and that he promised to help get some minerals in exchange for the villagers help and tell her that they know her sister. Later she finds out that Liz fell in love with Charles princess Gloria's brother but were killed a year ago because they got married and he turned her immortal without permission. So Sarah now is in the same predicament.
As they try to escape king victor and his men are chasing them the enter some woods that a forbidden and run into wolf shape-shifters who plan to kill them but once they see Sarah's ring they give them free passage. They arrive at a small village trying to find any information about Liz but King William's the father of the real princess Gloria knights find out Sarah is there an try to kill her she gets shot in the heart with an arrow.
They flee the pub and enter a church and Sarah wounds heal since she is an immortal now. There is tension among the group. The priest gives Sarah a locket that belonged to her sister saying he helped her a few years ago but did not know where she went.
Jules comes back with some disturbing news of a town where they plan to kill Adam, Beth, and Steven people part of Sarah's Bigfoot hunting crew. They leave the church to try to save them. At first the villagers will not relent because the three stole some bread but a man comes up bringing his wife who had falling in the river they do CPR to revive the girl and they are so happy that they release the group.
They all exchange stories of how they are arrived here and Steven said he gotten everything on tape. They head toward Ripteenia where Liz was last known to be at. Sarah is now being hunted by three groups of Immortals her newly wed Husband Victor, King William and the Cardashian Court the head of all the immortals. The latter two want to kill her but Victor seems to want to help her even when he finally finds out she not princess Gloria he never met a woman like her and he plans to keep her.
They get up to a waterfall and are being chased they jump from the cliff to avoid capture. Victor has been trying to communicate to Sarah telepathically and convince her to come to him and he will protect her. When she wakes from his spell on her she tries deter him by throwing a fireball at him and passes out cause it hurt him which hurt her as well. Once they got away the group as a whole just wanted to leave and go back through the portal.
Sarah had a different plan she wanted to go find the real princess Gloria because she needed information on how to get the ring off her finger and it would not matter if they went to the portal the immortals after her could just follow them through it. So they headed toward King William's castle in Dornia.
This book was different a unique type with several elements of being classified as a fairytale. The setting goes to a far way place and time. Evil royalty is involved and of course magic and they have a few problems to solve. I look forward to reading the next book in the series entitled Eternal Destiny.
Never marry a stranger even if he is a drop dead gorgeous immortal king. Never pretend to be a princess and most importantly never slip on an ancient wedding ring you know nothing about. Sarah Larker returns to a cave where her sister disappeared ten years earlier. She walks through a portal and is mistaken for an escaped princess on the run from a dangerous immortal king in medieval times.
Her plan is bold as well as brave become this princess, wed the king, and slip on an ancient wedding ring that will unlock the portal back home. Then find her sister and run as fast as she can out of Dodge. But taking on the identity of Princess Gloria comes along with perilous consequences; and putting on the ruby ring comes with an even higher price.
This was a good book I did not know by the description though it would have anything to do with trying to find Bigfoot which of course I don't believe in. It is interesting to think though of the possibility of them coming from another dimension through a portal since no one can find hard evidence of their existence. Sarah is in the woods trying to find evidence that Bigfoot exist in these same woods her sister Liz disappeared 10 years ago. Sarah and her research crew hear noise which lead them to a cave. An unsuspected guess shows up a reporter named Frank who likes Sarah and has made it his life mission to refute all her claims about the beast. The Sasquatches out to be Guardians of this portal that they go through where her sister disappeared.
Frank and Sarah have a love hate relationship and she is upset when he walks into her camp where she monitoring signs of any Bigfoot activity. After a sighting Frank and Sarah go into the cave together after they see the monster but something strange happens they are transported to another place and time. They are in a land called Tastian. Sarah is hiding in the woods when an Immortal King Victor Fesque II confuses her for a runaway princess named Gloria he captures and takes her to his dungeon. He thinks she crazy and lost her mind because she keeps talking about things from our world he knows nothing about and she confused about his attire and appearance. He gives her a choice either marry him or faced death. Try as hard as she may to convince him she not this Gloria girl he refuses to believe her saying she just playing stupid.
Frank some how manages to get a suit of armor entering the dungeon to come save Sarah but when he finds out the King wants to marry her he changes his mind, because they need the royal ring he will give her to reopen the portal to go back home. Little do they know the powers and repercussions of her putting the ring on her finger. Frank leaves her to marry the king.
Before the ceremony Victor tries to tell Sarah about the consequences of the ring that it binds them together and they will be able to commute with her telepathically and they can feel each other's pain. Also as an immortal comes so pretty cool powers such as the use of fireballs. The priest married them and Sarah wants to get away as fast a possible but Victor wants to do other things they share several searing kisses. Eventually after the reception Sarah gets taken to a room to change her dress and the servant girl Mia.
Frank sent her to help Sarah escape the plan is to switch close and pretend that the queen got attacked so Sarah can leave the room and exit this castle the plan goes well and she meets up with another person Jules who is the lover of Mia he takes her to where Frank is. Frank tells her his story and that he promised to help get some minerals in exchange for the villagers help and tell her that they know her sister. Later she finds out that Liz fell in love with Charles princess Gloria's brother but were killed a year ago because they got married and he turned her immortal without permission. So Sarah now is in the same predicament.
As they try to escape king victor and his men are chasing them the enter some woods that a forbidden and run into wolf shape-shifters who plan to kill them but once they see Sarah's ring they give them free passage. They arrive at a small village trying to find any information about Liz but King William's the father of the real princess Gloria knights find out Sarah is there an try to kill her she gets shot in the heart with an arrow.
They flee the pub and enter a church and Sarah wounds heal since she is an immortal now. There is tension among the group. The priest gives Sarah a locket that belonged to her sister saying he helped her a few years ago but did not know where she went.
Jules comes back with some disturbing news of a town where they plan to kill Adam, Beth, and Steven people part of Sarah's Bigfoot hunting crew. They leave the church to try to save them. At first the villagers will not relent because the three stole some bread but a man comes up bringing his wife who had falling in the river they do CPR to revive the girl and they are so happy that they release the group.
They all exchange stories of how they are arrived here and Steven said he gotten everything on tape. They head toward Ripteenia where Liz was last known to be at. Sarah is now being hunted by three groups of Immortals her newly wed Husband Victor, King William and the Cardashian Court the head of all the immortals. The latter two want to kill her but Victor seems to want to help her even when he finally finds out she not princess Gloria he never met a woman like her and he plans to keep her.
They get up to a waterfall and are being chased they jump from the cliff to avoid capture. Victor has been trying to communicate to Sarah telepathically and convince her to come to him and he will protect her. When she wakes from his spell on her she tries deter him by throwing a fireball at him and passes out cause it hurt him which hurt her as well. Once they got away the group as a whole just wanted to leave and go back through the portal.
Sarah had a different plan she wanted to go find the real princess Gloria because she needed information on how to get the ring off her finger and it would not matter if they went to the portal the immortals after her could just follow them through it. So they headed toward King William's castle in Dornia.
This book was different a unique type with several elements of being classified as a fairytale. The setting goes to a far way place and time. Evil royalty is involved and of course magic and they have a few problems to solve. I look forward to reading the next book in the series entitled Eternal Destiny.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
The choice is up to you. So help me out please
I have been thinking about reviewing a old children Fairy Tale but want your input on which one I should do. One of the Grimm Fairy Tales, Madam d' Aulnoy, Charles Perrault, Hans Christian Anderson or something else. If there is a fairy tale not on the list you want to vote for leave a comment with your choice. The poll is below the comment section.
Monday, April 1, 2013
Elvish War fight against the Light and Dark
This is my first post on this blog dedicated to fairy tales and magical type books. Please leave a comment about my blog. And of course with all my post the review will have some spoilers if you have not read the book.
Lark by Erica Cope
Lark by Erica Cope

The last time she confirmed,
Mia Carrington was pretty sure that she was a normal girl with a completely
regular life. She goes to high school, has a crush on the stunning and
mystifying new boy in town named Grey, and has weird dreams that she can’t help
but feel are real somehow, maybe she’s not all that normal after all.
A freak catastrophe changes
Mia’s life forever when she is thrown into another world and left to deal with
the revelation that she is the daughter of the King of the Light Elves. Throw
in an menacing prophecy predicting that Mia will break a curse unleashing the
Dark Elves on the world and well, things don’t look too good.
There is danger lurking at
every corner in this strange world and Mia isn’t sure whom she can trust and
the only thing she is certain of is that the Dark Elves know about her, and
they will stop at nothing until they have her.
I enjoyed this
book I love fairy tales and stories about magic and mythical characters. This
was a lovely story about a girl who finds out who she really is and she falls
in love and I love who she ends up with. Greyson was a nice sweet guy but the way
it played out him knowing her whole life and being so much older than her was a
bit much Mia needs someone like Jacoby more her own age, is a half-blood, has the same magical affinity and he gives her the nickname Lark. I have read other books like this where the girl does choose the
older guy like in vampire books and some books about fairies and that usually
creeps me out I can't even image being attracted to a guy who looks my age but
is hundred years old.
Mia has to go
through a lot of challenges in a short period of time after she learned she was
part Elf. She had to learn how to use her healing spirit power and find out
what the prophecy meant and try to defeat the Dark Elf King Dugan with the help of Jacoby. Mia is a good character and I
can't wait to read the next book to find out what happens to all of the characters. I hope we don't have to wait too long.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
The choice is yours Help me
Hi I realized I made a mistake in creating my first blog I spelled it wrong and the right name was all ready taken by a movie blog. So I came up with this name and liked it better than the first but i'm going leave it up to you and my friends on which one I keep cause I don't need to blogs for the same purpose to talk about books. Although I could just use this one for quote only fairy tales. So help me make this decision by leaving a comment.
A. If you like the name Critc Junction
B. If you want Once upon a time 365
C. If you want me to keep both and make OUAT365 just a fairy tale story blog
A. If you like the name Critc Junction
B. If you want Once upon a time 365
C. If you want me to keep both and make OUAT365 just a fairy tale story blog
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